Financial Information

Many families have questions regarding tax benefits and grants that are available to them to help with their child’s needs. The following is a list of funding sources which may help ease the way for families who have children with Down syndrome.

Government Assistance

Child Disability Benefit

The Child Disability Benefit is a federal tax benefit awarded monthly to families who have a child with a disability. To access the CDB, families must fill out and submit the Disability Tax Credit Certificate. This form must be certified by a qualified practitioner, e.g. a pediatrician.

Registered Disability Savings Plan

The RDSP is a tax-assisted savings plan designed to assist individuals with disabilities and their families with long-term saving and future planning.

Medical Expenses Deductions

There are circumstances where medical expenses are eligible for tax deductions. A Disability Tax Credit Certificate is required to claim these expenses.

Planned Giving

There are many ways you can give back to the Down syndrome community. Legacy giving is just one way you can provide enduring support for GVDSS. For more information see our Planned Giving page.